John Davies

John Davies born in England in 1949, is a British landscape photographer, he grew up within the mining and farming industries, this became a motivation towards his work in future years,he studied at Mansfield school of arts and graduated in 1974 post education he began his first project, which he relied heavily on commissions for the support and funding of his work through charities and organisations




Unit 7 Documented images

This gallery contains a section of the images for my unit 7 clip, these photographs were taken around the suburbs of Darwen and around the Town center area, the images show the lives of everyday people, the subjects in these images aren’t aware that they are being photographed (however some are) this specific method of taking images is called ‘candid photography’ this means that a person is photographed without their knowledge, and concsent. By using this method of discreet photography i manged to capture the towns people as their true selves.

I think these particular photographs are good, however i don’t like how drastically they vary between each other in terms of contrast and composition i feel that this spoils the clip at some point, to fix this i could use a smoother transition, or place an image with similar visual aspects next into in the sequence, this would’ve creates less of an obstruction and allowed the clip to run smoothly.

unit 7 research for proposal

other artists have produced images similar to what i’m hoping to    create, TJ Kirkpatrick has  multiple sets of photographs depicting people and their behavior, I want my final images to show people and how their actions have changed over time.

Personally i think that the images required for unit 7 need to be taken in a specific manner which could accurately depict the change, to avoid complications i would  most likely have to take the photographs in generic and common spaces like libraries or other locations where people are as present as their surroundings this could exhibit my idea effectively and represent ‘The World Before It Goes’




Unit 6

For our Michellin starred fruit images production task, we had to select a specific fruit, that we are going to work with to produce a final set of images, my group chose an orange as it is fairly transparent which would provide more visual aspects for the type of work we are planning to produce.

For our idea of metamorphosis and using an orange, we brought branches into the photographic studio, and other equipment such materials  as string and cable ties to fasten the orange onto the branch effectively and obtain our desired look.

we used a range of studio lighting to experiment with different light, and produced several low key images that we thought were of a professional grade


Mary Ellen Mark

Mary Ellen Mark born in 1940 is an american photographer who specializes in portraiture, photojournalism, and advertisement photography, she has numerous collections of work, which is critically acclaimed, and has had such speciality awards for her work these include the prestigious ‘Robert F Kennedy journalism award’ and three fellowships from the National Endowment of the Arts.

Born in Philadelphia, she began taking photographs at the age of nine, she attended cheltenham high school, where she took up cheerleading but also displayed keen interests in art, she began painting and taking photographs in her spare time. After high school she attended the university of Pennsylvania where she studied Painting and Art History she had attained a BFA degree in these subjects by 1962 and also a masters degree in photojournalism from the Annenberg school for communications department at the university of Pennsylvania, after this she was offered a scholarship where she would travel to Europe and visit countries such as Turkey, Spain and Italy.

Mary returned to America in 1966 she moved to New York she then started to photograph the protests and and many political activists of the 1960’s such as those who opposed american intervention in Vietnam, and the groups supporting civil rights of women and African Americans, a statement made by Mary ellen mark in 1987 “i’m just interested in people on the edges, i feel an affinity for those who haven’t had the best breaks in society, i want to acknowledge their existence more than anything”

she then began working on movie sets organizing photography for such directors as Arthur Penn, she worked on the set and the photography management of francis ford copolla’s ‘Apocalypse Now’

the final images

These photographs are of our final shoot for unit 6, we experimented with a range of lighting for this task, and used such equipment as – Bowens 200 studio light (with a snoot the light was directional) – Honeycomb softbox, the size of our diffuser allowed us to use more soft light and casted less shadows from the branches and fruit (this was successful) -reflector dish, this allowed us to cast warm light under the fruit and branches, this made it look more luminous whilst we could keep our low key aspects at the same time